星期二, 4月 02, 2013

溫馨小故事 + 亞 馬 遜 雨 林 景 觀

Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak


I'm coming home, I've done my time我的刑期已滿,正要趕回家

Now I've got to know what is and isn't mine我必須知道有哪些東西還屬於我

If you received my letter若妳收到了我的信
Telling you I'd soon be free告訴妳我將重獲自由
Then you'll know just what to do那麼,妳知道該怎麼做
If you still want me, 如果妳還要我的話
if you still want me如果妳還要我的話

Tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree在老橡樹上繫條黃絲帶

It's been three long years漫長的三年過去了
Do you still want me妳還要我嗎?
If I don't see a ribbon around the old oak tree如果我看見老橡樹上沒有繫黃絲帶的話

I'll stay on the bus, forget about us我會留在巴士上,忘了我倆的過去

Put the blame on me責怪我自己
If I don't see a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree如果我看見老橡樹上沒有繫黃絲帶的話
Bus driver, please look for me司機先生,請幫我看一下

Cause I couldn't bear to see what I might see因為我無法承受即將看到的
I'm really still in prison我其實仍在監牢
And my love she holds the key只有吾愛握有鑰匙
Simple yellow ribbon what I need to set me free我需要的僅是黃絲帶,即可將我釋放

I've wrote and told her please我已寫信告訴過她
Now the whole damn bus is cheering現在,整車的乘客都在歡呼

And I can't believe I see 我無法相信我所看到的--------
A hundred yellow ribbons around the old oak tree老橡樹上掛滿了上百條的黃絲帶!


感激 網友 伊媚兒





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「這樣荒涼的路還要走多久? O?」










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01. 東興印象:

02. 海防京族三島:

03. 山水寧明廣–西壯族自治區:

04. 憑樣走邊關:

05. 龍州探奇: 

06. 美麗大新:

07. 那山那坡–黑衣壯族:

08. 富寧.坡芽歌書:

09. 走近壩美:

10. 幸福文山:

11. 浪漫馬關:

12. 滇南明珠河口:

13. 綠色高地金平:

14. 七彩紅河:

15. 山鄉風情:

16. 一城連三國:

17. 走進猛臘:

18. 魅力景洪:

19. 神奇猛海:

20. 魅力瀾滄:

21. 孟連.尋找到的好地方:

22. 西盟–走進狂歡佤族山寨:

23. 滄源之旅–秘境臨滄:

24. 走讀耿馬:

25. 神奇鎮康:

26. 雲南瑞麗–玉石之都:

27. 雲南隴川–戶撒刀王:

28. 尋幽探玉走騰沖–雲南騰沖:

29. 神奇邊城騰沖:

30. 多彩邊城保山:

31. 邊城片馬:

32. 魅力怒江–傈僳風情:

33. 秘境獨龍江:

34. 香格里拉:

35. 夢境之地–香格里拉:

36. 高原明珠德欽–梅裡雪山:

37. 雲南德欽–馬幫.茶馬古道:

38. 秘境察隅–做客登人山寨:

39. 壯美八宿–探尋古冰川:

40. 綠海明珠波密:

41. 雪域江南林芝:

42. 米林深呼吸–珞巴族山寨:

43. 藏南明珠–加查:

44. 拉嘉裡王宮–曲松–乃東:

45. 尋找藏文化起 源–山南–昌珠寺:

46. 措美印象–尋找藏野驢:

47. 隆子–中國最小的鄉:

48. 錯那錯覺–門巴族見聞:

49. 美麗山南:

50. 江孜–宗山古堡帕拉莊園:

51. 行走古城薩迦:

54. 七彩聶拉木神秘的夏爾巴人:

55. 邊城普蘭–世界之巔邊防哨所:

56. 天上阿裏岡仁波齊神山:

58. 阿裏之旅–美麗的羌塘大草原:

60. 塔什庫爾幹–帕米爾雄鷹:

68. 在那遙遠的地方–做客哈薩克人家:

69. 古城新姿–新疆霍城:

72. 塔城.離海洋最遠的地方:

78. 絲路古城–金奇台塔塔爾故鄉:

87. 最北之旅–北極哨所:


^_^  HA HA HA每天至少笑一笑

有趣中國字  寓意深遠


亞 馬 遜 雨 林 景 觀
Red-and-Green Macaws DO grow on trees in the Amazon
The biodiversity in these wet tropical forests is mind-blowing. It is home to the largest collection of living plant and animal species in the world. One in ten known species on this planet lives in the Amazon Rainforest. Amazonia is home to around 2.5 million insect species, tens of thousands of plants, and more than 2,000 birds and mammals. So far, at least 40,000 plant species, 2,200 fishes, 1,294 birds, 427 mammals, 428 amphibians, and 378 reptiles have been scientifically classified within this region. One in five of all bird and fish species live here. The Scarlet Macaws above are indigenous to the American tropics. The photographer wrote, “Red-and-Green Macaws DO grow on trees in the Amazon.” Photo #1 by Billtacular

San Rafael Falls, Quijos River, Amazon, Ecuador
The San Rafael Falls and Quijos River are located at the foot of the highly active Reventador Volcano which rises out of the Amazon jungle east of the Andes. Based on archaeological evidence, it is believed that humans first inhabited this Amazon paradise at least 11,200 years ago. Photo #2 by Imagesunion

Streams of light in the Amazonian mist
Streams of light in the Amazonian mist. Inside this rainforest, you never quite know what you might see . . . Photo #3 by Jon Rawlinson
Tupi 'red bird' also known as the scarlet ibis one of the most beautiful Brazilian birds, because of the color of their plumage
You might see a Tupi ‘red bird,’ also known as the scarlet ibis, one of the most beautiful Brazilian birds, because of the color of their plumage. Photo #4 by J.Gil Photography
Amazonian Godzilla 'in my garden'
Or you might see an Amazonian ‘Godzilla.’ Photo #5 by Laurent
Emerald boa Amazon Equador
In Amazonia, you might even stumble upon an Emerald Boa. Eek! Photo #6 by Free Pet Wallpapers
Amazon rainforest jaguar
Amazon rainforest jaguar. Bet you won’t bump into one of these beautiful beasties in an urban jungle? Photo #7 by By Land Rover Our Planet
Star of the water - In the rivers of the Amazon
Star of the water – In the rivers of the Amazon. The photographer noted, “The water lily (Victoria regia), an aquatic plant is typical of the Amazon region. Its leaves are large and circular, with folded edges, forming a sort of basin. They can reach 2 meters in diameter. The leaves of the lily pad can withstand the weight of a small child in the water without sinking.” According to an Indian legend about the lilypad, “As its flowers open at night, the Indians liken to the moon and stars. They say that once in the Amazon, there lived an Indian girl that he wanted to become a star. At night, she liked to look at the sky to admire the stars. She thought that the moon could come pick her up on Earth and take it to heaven. One night, a beautiful Indian girl leaned over the side of the river, where the moon was reflected. She was mesmerized by the image of the moon, fell into the river and disappeared into the water. The moon then turned into a lilypad. So the flower of the lily pad is called ‘star of the waters’.” Photo #8 by Miriam C de Souza
Amazon Forest
Looking down at the ‘lungs of the planet.’ Photo #10 by Wallpapers Diq
Looking up in Amazon rainforest - Árvore Mogno
Looking up in Amazon rainforest – Árvore Mogno. Photo #11 by Signey
Monkeys hanging out in the Amazonian jungle
Monkeys hanging out in the tropical jungle. Photo #12 by Worldwide Happy Media
Brown Woolly Monkey in the Amazon
Brown Woolly Monkey in the Amazon. Photo #13 by Evgenia Kononova
Amazon rainforest - inside of kills
Amazon rainforest – ‘inside of kills’. Photo #14 by Hudson Alves
Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest, Kotococha tribe 'Wild Boy'
The photographer wrote of the ‘Wild Boy’, “His eyes reflects the nostalgia of an almost extinct World. Wearing an Amazon Toucan, traditionally used only for the sacred dances and very special moments, this boy is learning from the Shamans the traditional dances of the Kotococha culture, a knowledge which is only transmitted from the shaman to the few chosen by word of mouth. Origin: Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest, Kotococha tribe.” Photo #15 by Gustavo Morejón
Comunity Nova Esperança, Baré people. Cuieiras river, tributary of the Rio Negro, Amazonia, Brazil
Comunity Nova Esperança, Baré people. Cuieiras river, tributary of the Rio Negro, Amazonia, Brazil. Photo #16 by Daniel Zanini H.
boating along Amazon
Folklore of Amazonas is nourished from legends and stories in which mystery and inexplicable things are always present. One example on Wikipedia includes “if you ask people about the lagoon of Cochaconga, they will say that it is enchanted. They say it has the ‘form of a neck’ and that with the smallest noise provoked by an animal or the scream of a person, there will be a tremendous thunderstorm in which an enormous monster will appear in the shape of cow. This monster will become mad with the strangers. That’s why, whoever passes by this remote place, does it with maximum precautions for not altering the local silence.” Photo #17 by NewWorldReview
Aerial roots of red mangrove on an Amazonian river
Aerial roots of Red Mangrove on an Amazonian river. Photo #18 by Cesar Paes Barreto
Amazon Poison Dartfrog or Reticulated Poison Frog found at the inflows of the Amazon River in Peru live high up in the rainforest
Amazon Poison Dartfrog, also known as the Reticulated Poison Frog, can be found at the inflows of the Amazon River in Peru live high up in the rainforest. The photographer also noted that these very little beauties are only about 15-20 mm in size. Photo #19 by Dominik Hofer
Iracema Waterfalls in Amazon rainforest
Iracema Waterfalls. Photo #20 by Hudson Alves
A great of deal of travel along Amazônia is by water. That may be due to the abundance of waterways. Photo #21 by Daniel Zanini H.
Adventure trying to travel muddy Amazonia roads
Or perhaps travel by river may simply be easier than the adventure of trying to travel muddy Amazonia roads? Here you don’t get stuck in traffic, you just get stuck. Photo #22 by J.Gil Photography
Amazon Rainforest, seen from the Alto Madre de Dios river, in Peru
Amazon Rainforest, seen from the Alto Madre de Dios river, in Peru. Before 1960, access to the forest’s interior was restricted and the Amazon jungle remained mostly intact. During the 1960s, farms were established based on crop cultivation and the slash and burn method. Deforestation was so considerable that the areas which were cleared of forest were visible to the naked eye from outer space. Photo #23 by Martin St-Amant
Strong drought in the Amazon rainforest
Strong drought in the Amazon rainforest. In 2005, parts of the Amazon basin experienced the worst drought in one hundred years. In 2010 the Amazon rainforest experienced another horrific drought, in some ways more extreme than in 2005. In a typical year the Amazon absorbs 1.5 gigatons of carbon dioxide; during 2005 instead 5 gigatons were released and in 2010 8 gigatons were released. Photo #24 by Hudson Alves
Rock jumping on a hot day as the rivers of Amazon suffer flooding for 4 or 5 months of the year
Just as there can be droughts, the rivers of Amazon suffer flooding for 4 or 5 months of the year. The photographer said that on a hot day, they went ‘rock jumping.’ Photo #25 by J.Gil Photography
Amazonas floating village, Iquitos
Amazonas floating village, Iquitos in the Amazon Basin. It’s the part of South America drained by the Amazon River; its tributaries drains an area of about 2,670,000 square miles (6,915,000 sq km), or roughly 40% of South America. Photo #26 by Sascha Grabow
Amazon rainforest, near Manaus, Brazil
Amazon rainforest, near Manaus, Brazil. Image taken from top of a 50 m tower for meteorological observations, and the top of vegetation canopy is typically 35 m. The image was taken within 30 minutes of a rain event, and a few white ‘clouds’ above the canopy are indicative of rapid evaporation from wet leaves after the rain. Much of the Amazon is still unexplored, many of its indigenous plants and animals are unknown . . . perhaps even plants yet to be discovered that could cure diseases that plague the people on our planet. The leaves and branches of the rainforest are so dense that it creates a “roof” that does not allow the sunlight to reach the ground. The ground remains dark, damp and waiting for discovery. Photo #28 by Phil P Harris
A Yagua (Yahua) tribeman demonstrating the use of blowgun (blow dart), at one of the Amazonian islands
A Yagua (Yahua) tribeman demonstrating the use of blowgun (blow dart), at one of the Amazonian ‘islands’. Photo #29 by JialiangGao www.peace-on-earth.org
Amazon, Tropical rainforest, Peru
Another folklore of Amazona from Peru are attributed to certain animals. For example: The mochuelo that “freezes the soul”, or the “quien-quien” that makes fun of the travelers in the roads. When the singing crickets sounds like bells, it is supposedly foretelling of a “big evil.” Photo #30 by Roosevelt Garcia
Amazonian Forest and Renato River
Amazonian Forest and Renato River. Photo #31 by Leonardo F. Freitas
Amazonian Rainforest, Monkey Island (Peru)
Monkey Island, Peru, is a part of Amazonia. Photo #32 by Alex Guerrero from New Haven, United States
Amazonian rainforest, upper Amazon basin, Loreto region, Peru
Amazonian rainforest, upper Amazon basin, Loreto region, Peru. Photo #33 by Pahpaha
Balbina Dam in Amazon, Brazil
Balbina Dam in Amazon, Brazil. Photo #34 by Seabirds
Stormy clouds cover the Amazonian jungle
Stormy clouds cover the Amazonian jungle. Photo #35 by lapidim
On the Tambopata River in the Peruivan Amazon Rainforest, a group of kids play football on a tiny sand island in the middle of the river
The photographer explained, “On the Tambopata River in the Peruivan Amazon Rainforest, a group of kids play football on a tiny sand island in the middle of the river.” Photo #36 by Mike Cooper
bamboo and ferns in amazon rainforest
Bamboo and ferns in the rainforest. Photo #37 by Tadd and Debbie Ottman
Native village of Chipitiere, in the Cultural Zone of Manu National Park, Peru
Native village of Chipitiere, in the Cultural Zone of Manu National Park, Peru. Photo #38 by Martin St-Amant
Toucan, the earl of Amazonia
Toucan, the earl of Amazonia. Photo #39 by Tambako the Jaguar
Waterfall flowing from the Andes down in the Amazon Basin
Waterfall flowing from the Andes down in the Amazon Basin. Photo #40 by Worldwide Happy Media
Three Toed Sloth in the Amazon
Three-Toed Sloth in the Amazon. The photographer noted a local superstition: ‘don’t look at him if you’re pregnant…or your baby may look like him!’ Photo #41 by Pierre Pouliquin
walking through paths in the amazonian rainforest
Walking through paths in the Amazonian rainforest. Photo #42 by CREES-MANU
The San Rafael Falls - Amazon jungle
San Rafael Falls in the Amazon jungle. Photo #44 by Drriss
Yacumana and Chullachaqui are two demons of the local legends
The photographer wrote, “Yacumana and Chullachaqui are two demons of the local legends. Yacumana is a demon of the water (boa man); Chullachaqui can transform itself to mimic any person…is it your mum coming to you? No, look at his feet, that’s how you recognize him, he always has a big one!” Photo #44 by Pierre Pouliquin

